From Black Hills Raptor Center

THIS is what rehab can do. This owl was trapped by fishing line not cleaned up by its user. The line was over an electrical line that runs above a pond west of Rochford. The owl was first seen early the morning August 5th. We got a call from Dispatch at pm that day. Volunteers Jeff & Jodi got the owl from the pond, and down to the Center. There was a LOT of fishing line to be removed, plus two lures. No hooks were in the flesh of the bird. Thank goodness they stayed entwined in the wing feathers.

The bird has rested, been given fluids, and offered a meal of mouse. (yet to be eaten). X-rays will be taken of the great horned in the next couple days.

TWO take-aways: 1. ANGLERS clean up after yourselves!!! This was a preventable injury! 2. Help us complete our treatment center. You can come play golf on August 16. You can make a donation. Things we need immediately are unflavored Pedialyte, Dawn dishwashing detergent, and foldover sandwich baggies. Don’t like to shop? Cash works!

I don’t typically leave in donation requests, as I don’t want to seem like I’m soliciting anything from you all, but this one highlighted some of the things they need money for and they will gladly take instead. A lot is cleaners, paper towels, and general housekeeping stuff, so you don’t need to feel you need to donate enough to buy fancy medical equipment or build a new aviary to help. A big pack of Bounty is more immediately useful. None of the rescues get public money for anything so all needs are equal. Stuff you donate will likely go to immediate use helping our animal friends!