I am on the same boat. Went from Q4 to Q2 because I cant change expansion bay in my order
I’ve made 6 changes to my order (so far) by emailing support. They have no problem doing that.
why is framework that slow in terms of production… It’s clear that there are way more demand than supply, so I assume that somethimg is not working in their logistics. At the beginning it was okay, but it’s been several years since this brand appeared… it’s not serious imo. Maybe invest a bit less in product and a bit more in logistics. We don’t need 10 different types of laptops. Less is better in some cases.
Imagine the following…You’re not a large corporation like Dell or HP or Ford or Chevrolet. You’re a small company, kinda like how Microsoft and Apple were when they started out. You don’t have a workforce, a factory, supply chain or anything else…you just have a group of like-minded people who want to bring an idea into existence.
You then create something which some are calling a true game changer.
You’re now receiving a metric buttload* of orders so now you have to stand up the entire company, creating an assembly line, establishing an entire supply chain from scratch, hire “everyone”, refine every process and business practice, all while fulfilling all the orders which are coming in.
decea89 then comes along and complains you aren’t a company the size of Dell or HP or Apple less than 3 years after being founded as a company.
WTF dude?
- Buttload is the equivalent of 126 gallons