I’m baffled as to why people are taking sides here as if this is “sticking it to the man” or something. It’s 2 giant corporate media conglomerates going against each other.
If anything, the deal is bad for consumers, because it’s making them subscribe to 2 services to watch South Park.
And fwiw, Paramount + is literally the worst streaming service I’ve encountered from a tech perspective. Freezes constantly, won’t pause half the time, forgets your settings (e.g. closed captioning), forgets where you are in your show, janky interface, no recommendation algorithm that I can see (I suspect that it’s just showing the same recommendations to everyone).
In any case, I subscribed to Paramount + for a month just to watch the new SP movie and S2 of the new Beavis & Butthead. They have some good content, but I’ll probably cancel after that because the interface is so godawful and frustrating.
At some point I feel like Matt and Trey are like ‘whatever, hopefully people stop paying us to do this’
Does anyone remember the phone number they had where you could buy a 10 episode package for $800M ?
Then they got a billion dollars lmao
As a fan all of this is annoying. However, I totally would do the same in their shoes. They outmaneuvered a multi-billion dollar media company and got paid a fortune for minimal work.
I’m glad they did it, look at how actors and writers were treated during the lockout, these streaming companies don’t care about the creators or consumers. Let the tables turn on the streaming services for once.
I can’t seem to care about any of this aboard my pirate ship
Lawyer Butters is on the case!
Dude fuck HBO and Warner. It makes me sad that I’m saying that now cuz I love the majority of HBO’s catalogue, but they’ve been dumping their own shows, cancelling others, and don’t even get me started on the hot ass mess that is the DCU. Paramount should have South Park’s full catalogue anyway bc they own Comedy Central, which was and I believe still is the home of South Park. HBO just wanted a huge slice of that cash cow pie and they’re throwing a tantrum bc they don’t literally own all of SP. Fuck HBO seriously Jesus.
Can’t wait for the paramount SP special that discusses this bullshit! lol
The Netflix route!