Oh man, we’re really going to see the return of thousands of people dead from, y’know, poison in food etc, aren’t we?
Oh man, we’re really going to see the return of thousands of people dead from, y’know, poison in food etc, aren’t we?
I try to take some solace in the knowledge that throughout history, this sentiment (“our leaders are hopelessly corrupt and there’s nothing we can do about it”) was probably the de facto default for almost anyone. Not that that makes things better now but it helps keep things in perspective.
Billionaires extract maximum value from whatever society they find themselves in, that’s how they become (and stay) billionaires. Not exactly rocket science.
Keep taking away reasons for people to live. I’m sure millions of desperate, voiceless victims with nothing left to lose will not backfire for the people in charge at all.
I don’t really agree that it’s much easier to start on Reddit. Especially nowadays.
-Post from an IP that was once used by a banned account? Also banned (after first being shadowbanned)
-Try to post in any niche sub of your choosing after making an account? Forget it, wait three weeks and farm 3K karma first (which encourages shitposting and reposting, lowering quality)
-Deviate a fraction of an inch from whatever sub’s 500-page rulebook? Banned.
-Try to argue an unbanning? That’s a permanent mute.
-Post anything - and I do mean anything - in a “wrong” sub, get immediately permabanned by a slew of subs you didn’t even know existed.
-Some mod doesn’t agree with something you posted? Even if it was 5 years ago in a sub that has since been deleted? Banned and muted.
Reddit is an absolutely terrible experience for new posters. How they even manage to retain a tenth of them is beyond me. I encourage them to keep it up however, more traffic for Lemmy.
It’s been a while but AFAIK you control three or four party members so it’s more like the older BG games than NWN1 in that regard.
Storywise it’s set in the Forgotten Realms near the regions of the first game but it’s a completely new story with new characters. Iirc the story manages to decently subvert some expectations. I remember a conversation with a dead god in the expansion that was on par with meeting Sovereign for the first time in Mass Effect.
Yup. When it rains in the US, it drizzles in Europe.
That one has already been done: https://store.steampowered.com/app/704450/Neverwinter_Nights_Enhanced_Edition/
Yesss, loved that one, especially the first expansion, Mask of the Betrayer. Prime D&D storytelling (and very decent gameplay).
At this point I assume that literally anyone with some modicum of success is a secret nazi/pederast/abuser… . The ones whom we uplift because they’re wholesome simply have better PR (or luck) that they haven’t been found out yet.
Reality jumped the shark in 2012. Everything that happened after that is just the ones running the simulation seeing how far they can stretch things before it all goes topsy-turvy.
Panspermia advocates represent!
This is potentially bad news concerning our future and the Great Filter, however…
Good. Solid cores are bad news for planets’ longevity. Well, if you care about their ability to sustain life, anyway.
The war on the working class is over and decisively won by the oligarchs. They started it over 30 years ago and today we’re seeing the end stages of their plans.
Rising up to fight now is all but futile; they have their surveillance states and police apparati firmly in place. I fear the only way to change the situation is if people from within would stand with us… no idea how to pull that off however.
Years ago people laughed at me for not having Facebook (and never having had it in the first place). Who’s laughing now? Not me, nor any other consumers. But hey, we tried…
Put me on the same list whydontcha. Fuck ICE weasels.
This guy understands graphic design
Hahah he really hates Altman’s guts. Good. Love to see those two expend their energy on each other rather than on fucking all of us.
Where is “here”? Germany? Italy? Most other EU nations don’t give a fuck though. I’ve been torrenting straight from tpb proxies for over two decades without a single hitch.
I’d argue that as long as we spend over 20% or more of our waking time taking care of our “base animal needs” (eat, sleep, fight, flight, …) we’re primitive. And unless someone comes up with something radically transhumanist in the next few years, this won’t change for centuries to come.