Now you’re making me wonder what this, plus having dementia would be like. Everyday you have no idea who you are, where you are, or who these people are that are ignoring you. Also, you can’t move, or speak, and you don’t know why.
Now you’re making me wonder what this, plus having dementia would be like. Everyday you have no idea who you are, where you are, or who these people are that are ignoring you. Also, you can’t move, or speak, and you don’t know why.
Yeah, but then you’d have to wait like 30 minutes for a mod with the key to unlock it.
There was a kid who lived to 7 years old as a normal kid. Then he got hit by a car.
He was then in a coma, but his coma was different. His eyes were open. He couldn’t move, he couldn’t speak. He was just a living corpse essentially.
He was just kept like that. For 30 some years until he was in his early 40s. Then, without explaination, he came out of it.
His mom was watching jeapardy, and she randomly hears him answer the tv “Who is Bill Gates?” which caused her to scream and run out of the room. Which caused him to scream, because he didn’t know what was happening.
Eventually his mom came back in the room, and they were both surprised he was out of his coma.
Except here’s the thing, his coma really was different. He was awake the whole 30+ years. He was aware of every single thing around him. One of the first things he said after all the calamity died down was “I miss ralph.”
And ralph was a dog the family got when he was 15, already in his coma, and died a few years earlier. He never once got to pet this dog, who would curl up with him everyday. Ralph would stick his face into his armpit and russle his arm over him. And then just lay there all night.
His mom was surprised that he even knew ralph.
And the reason this story stuck with me, was he told his mom “there was a day, that sticks out in my mind. It will haunt me to the day I day. I’ve had nightmares countless times about this moment. It was a few years after my accident, and you came into the living room, saw me, and said why won’t you just die already? You’re making everyones life miserable!” Then she walked out of the room.
When he told her that, she began crying, and appologizing. She didn’t remember saying that, but he never stopped thinking about it for 30+ years.
She obviously still loved her son. She cared for him the whole time. But it’s juat that little moment of weakness you say the worst thing.
Anyways, back to jeapordy. When he answered the answer about bill gates, he didn’t think anything different was happening. Everynight they watched jeapordy, and every night he’d answer…except it was in his own head. This time he said it out loud.
You’re clearly cursing all the good shows, and all we’re left with is crap like “the bachlor”, and “who wants to shoot a billionaire?”
Oh hi, you’re finally awake. Here’s a life crushing medical bill. Enjoy poverty motherfucker.
Hate is a very powerful word. If you hate people you’ve never even met, that may be more of a you problem that you should talk with a therapist about. My mom is stubborn, bipolar, and refuses to accept help. But she’s never done a single thing to you for you to hate her. That’s all on you…
Maybe he just doesn’t want to watch porn with his brother?
Ooooooooo, I love your username! A username like that deserves a ticket on the number nine!
Does a pocket protector count as clothing?
What am I looking at exactly? I see a cropped image, and mastodon is under 70%. Based on an educated guess and nothing more, I’m going to guess what you’re trying to convay is that in the pie that represents the total fediverse, mastodon used to account for more than 70%, and now smaller services are growing. So mastodons total pie share shrinks, as the pie grows in other areas.
Is that about what you’re trying to say? Or am I way off?
Can we get it to hack chicago television stations and spank people live on air, and complain about democrats (if I’m remembering it right) before babbling into being completely incoherant?
My mom is 75. She knows nothing about how cell phones work. She thinks to charge your phone you need to turn the phone off first.
She doesn’t understand that airplane mode turns off your voice and data radios.
She holds the phone like a star trek communicator, NOT on speaker, and then complains she can barely hear you.
I think the boomers brains are just mush.
Edit: forgot to mention she turns the airplane mode ON and then turns the whole phone OFF. Once it’s off, that’s when she plugs it in.
Then she complains that turning her phone on always takes a while. My brother in law installed an app that just turns airplane mode off upon boot. That “taking a while” is the radios turning back on.
Otherwise, she used to call him from her landline (yeah) weekly to say her phone was broken. Everhtime it was just still in airplane mode. She does what she wants, doesn’t understand any of it, and you can’t explain it or talk her out of doing it her way.
…and people on this site were trying to convince me to teach her linux. Hell I don’t even know what I’m doing on linux. That would be like the blind leading the stubborn.
His legacy is already set. He will forever be remembered as a clueless man whos actions in office contridicted himself at many points.
Should have Bernie instead.
What? Can’t you just ask your mom who her grandparents were?
Although as I type this I realize I have no idea if your parents are still alive, or on speaking terms.
I never understood why they abandoned Splatoon 2. Like, I get that they have a new game, and that’s great, I guess…but why not support Splatoon 2 until Switch 2 comes out? I never bought the splatoon 3, because I JUST bought splatoon 2 like 2-3 years prior when it came out. You NEED online to play that game.
So you’re paying $59.99 for the game, and then $20 a year for online. All for a game that exists in a time bubble. Once it’s time for the next game, fuck you. Buy the new game. Your old game means nothing.
Well fuck you too Nintendo. I’ll just not buy Splatoon 3, and not pay for online anymore. How about that?
Because fuck you, the whole system is rigged.
Ok, but that webpad genuinely seems way ahead of it’s time. I want a webpad, and I’m 1000000% sure it’s software is so out of date it would be like running windows 3.1 today.
Still though. How awesome does the webpad look?
Well, and now trump.