Please charge your phone
Sorry for scaring developers
Norwegian proot with a taste for shitposting Deeply sorry for my photoshop creation
Former account at Kbin
Please charge your phone
I love how it has taken this long for media to cover this issue. I thought this was common knowledge for about a decade
I live in a country that doesn’t care about piracy and has super strong protections for people who pirate, but i’d imagine i would be in deep trouble if i lived in a different country.
I don’t download that much, but i do seed my entire jellyfin library with no speedcaps. Here’s this month’s upload stats for my network
I’ve seen northern lights in Oslo, but they’ve never been this vibrant
Our roborock robot vacuum runs Ubuntu (I’m not joking)
The new ones were garbage anyways. Mine is stuck at a polling rate of 10hz, and the acceleration is god awful
Props for having the guts to take a lithium battery apart so you could wire the usb cable to the bms.
I guess it’s sort of safe in that the bms would shut itself down if the voltage is too high because it thinks the battery is overcharged, but I still wouldn’t recommend using it in this config as I’m sure the usb port can’t provide the same amount of current as the original phone battery, so the phone might shut down.
Here’s a safer way to do it if you want to run that phone without a battery
Oh onlyoffice works great! It’s spreadsheet function is far less buggy than excel and it’s smooth and snappy.
Works the same for pedestrians. Carry a brick, and you’re safe
Be careful because Sam altman might steal it for his worldcoin bs
Ye the explanation I presented is something I say to simple minded people as a way for me to tell them that the act of wanting privacy isn’t criminal, and that it is wayyy creepier when some stranger is trying to actively breach said privacy.
I want to belive that this entire breach of privacy thing will form a sort of bubble that’ll burst and people will wake up and realize that “hey this is kinda creepy”, but this does seem to trend towards a dystopian cyberpunk future
I usually shut those “I have nothing to hide” arguments by asking the person what’s more creepy: you closing your curtains trying to get privacy, or your neighbor trying to peek in, asking you “why do you need curtains? You’ve got nothing to hide right?”
That usually gets the point across…
I use soulseek too.
I have probably 2 or 3 stuck for movies, and thousands stuck for music. Radarr and lidarr adds them automatically, and after many months, they do actually finish downloading
Could this work? I animated a reddit post (ft. Internet Historian)
I keep forgetting that some people need vpns to torrent.