All of their actions are incompetent, assuming you have reasonable goals. It’s just that they have their own selfish destructive goals.
All of their actions are incompetent, assuming you have reasonable goals. It’s just that they have their own selfish destructive goals.
Stupid headline. Yes, yes it was hacked. Jesus.
OK, great. Lock up all the CEOs and politicians who stole the money…
Cops don’t have a duty to protect you. Sorry, but you better build your own safety net, cuz the pigs will do whatever they feel like doing.
My dude, cops never gave a damn about pot. It was always a pretextual reason to screw with people.
Elon Musk is also an idiot. He thinks he’s smart enough to quickly understand complex situations and complex problems about which he knows next to nothing, within just a few minutes.
Most people would only try to claim that level of understanding in areas with which they have professional experience or about which they’re extremely geeky. He does it with everything, and nobody can be an expert in everything, and everybody knows that except for narcissistists.
I suppose for non-tech people it might be convenient to assume that because someone knows something about some kind of tech, they therefore know a lot about all kinds of tech, and the reality is that’s just not true. There are so many fields that are totally different. But if it did, actually he would look even more idiotic, because Twitter is a train wreck, so clearly he’s incompetent in tech field, right?
The watching the car protection racket is a very common thing in many countries in the world my friend. Just because it’s ridiculous doesn’t mean it’s not true.
And you can argue how it’s different, and that’s the point! You want something different, right? … Right?
Patriotism leads to nationalism, xenophobia, and racism. Not always, of course, but often enough to make it a horrible thing. Our communities are only as good as we make them, and any notion that presupposes greatness is antithetical to continued improvement.
That’s not how most state trespassing laws are written. You typically can’t wrap up trespassing in a contract like that.
Yeah like maybe we want to know what’s true and not just his casual thoughts… Are there visions of a plan? Or thoughts of a plan? Or plans of a plan? That would be useful information too.
It is a Ponzi scheme, my friend. The point is irrational belief that they could have value somehow.
And if it is private you can file for bankruptcy, right? Right?
I think that’s a weak point in terminology.
If you want to say left = liberal = Democrat, then you’re intentionally overlooking the vast differences between the three groups. And even within the Democrats, there is a lot of variation.
Most Washington Democrats hold center-right views on many major topics. For example, war, immigration, corporate welfare. Well, all of this depends on definitions, and people intentionally use conflicting terminology. But anyway, of course different political groups hold different political views. That’s normal.
“we” did not fail. We did everything right, but the result was bad.
And the corporate funders of the DNC didn’t fail; they’re richer now than they were before. They got exactly what they wanted.
The “undecided” people were always decided. Decided against genocide, always were, always will be. You want them to learn … learn what, exactly?
We all told Harris how to win and she refused to take our advice. Even now she can’t admit that she screwed up… Or maybe she actually believed her pro-genocide stance was a good one, and if so, good riddance.
… white male heads of family
Kamala is 100% corporate Dem, and they helped create this mess. She has zero interest in recognizing that she was and is part of the problem.
Remember that they accurately believed the DNC were horrible. They stopped Hillary. They stopped Biden and Harris. Good for them? Kinda, not really though.
… We know Trump is worse. Far worse. But they saw a legitimate threat, a group of people who were not going to make their lives better, and they took some kind of action to stop them.
And then lots of bigotry. Can’t forget that.
Of course it was sinister. Big important systems are delicate. You can change them, but you need to do so carefully. Everyone knows this, even Musk and Trump. It’s just that they don’t care about the risks and the damage.