I think it is as good time as any to introduce everyone to the four theives vinegar collective. Their diy drug making system is only as safe as the people using it are careful - but if kennedy running the show, probably be as safe as corporate.
I think it is as good time as any to introduce everyone to the four theives vinegar collective. Their diy drug making system is only as safe as the people using it are careful - but if kennedy running the show, probably be as safe as corporate.
One quote from last night stuck with me (though I can’t remember who said it): “Republicans have been trying to grow their party for 4 years. Democrats have only been trying to grow their party for 4 months.”
Either they run into the filibuster in the senate and it stops most of this, or we finally do away with the filibuster and when the democrats come in to clean up after 2/4 years of disaster, we don’t have the filibuster stopping all the good ideas the democrats are suppose to support.
I seen to remember a bunch of 14th amendment lawsuits that got shut down by SCOTUS a few days before primaries started.
Trump: “What do you advise I say on abortion?”
Trump advisor: “Just… just stop talking about abortion.”
Trump, 10 minutes later to a journalist: “Stop talking about abortion!”
People: “We don’t want old!” Biden: “I still got this!” Debate. “Maybe I don’t.” Harris: “I’m not old!” People: “Good enough!”
In 2016, Trump needed to win three states that were coin flips to win the race. With that, pollsters said he had a 1 in 8 chance. Trump took those coins, glued them together (the states had correlated outcomes) and then flipped the 3-coins-glued-together and got all three to land heads. So instead of a 1 in 8, it was a 1 in 2.
I thought the 13th amendment of 1812 didn’t pass?
Moscow: “Trump ordered that October suprize a month ago, Demetri, where is it?”
Demetri: “Relax, voting doesn’t start until next Tuesday. I plan of bomb blowing up on Monday before.”
Moscow: “Voting is this Tuesday, not next!”
Merrick Garland: “Wait, they can do that?”
Donald Trump trails with an estimated zero votes…
Yes, the system works!
Jimmy Carter has to hang on for 14 more years.
Does anyone know if “already voted” people are included in prospective voter polls? If they are excluded, we might be seeing a shift in polling towards Trump because his supporters vote day-of more than Harris voters.
But isn’t Gannett a conservative company? Is this good news, like if Fox News or OANN says they won’t endorse a candidate?
What, pray tell, do you think the Russian P-tape is? It has nothing to do with urine. The letters that follow the P are E D and O.
I was just explaining this concept to someone about the 2016 polls: all the posters thought of PA,MI, and WI as independent. Each had a 50% chance of going to Trump and he needed all three to win. So they projected him winning at (1/2)^3=1 in 8 chance of winning. Then they found out that those three were correlated.
I would say if Trump wins WI he wins PA and MI; and if Harris wins PA she wins WI and MI; BUT, if Trump wins PA he is not guaranteed a win in WI nor Harris winning WI guarantees a PA win.
What happens if there is a projected tie, but then we have a faithless elector?
Imagine the shit show if Trump secured enough republicans to vote for him in a tie breaking scenario, and then they open the ballots and see one Trump vote go for Romney or something.
“men should get to vote for their wives” = “Let’s promote mail in voting! Who cares about voting privacy, it’s easier, thus we will get a higher turnout!”
This is why I don’t like mail in voting: People other than the voter can tell the person how to vote. It is just blatantly obvious in this case.
It’s time the democrats have a primary where the winner isn’t preordained. Even with Obama, Hillary was “preordained” the winner in 2008, only to have everyone be surprised that an electable candidate got nominated. Same thing happened with Bill Clinton in '92, where the “preordained” candidate dropped out (ironically due to an affair) and Bill Clinton took his place. Come to think of it, that is how Obama got his senate seat. Someone cheated on 7 of 9 and suddenly Illinois has a black senator.
Anyways, just let us vote.