And another opportunity to get the SSV Normandy!
ACAB (All Cardassians Are Born-tailors)
And another opportunity to get the SSV Normandy!
Well, ya gotta hand it to 'em, they know how to write a headline
I think you’re mistaking the blush lines for eye sights.
Debian and Arch fucked raw, and their baby is Fedora
I’m guessing Scott Hilburn circa 2008, specifically.
turn of the century
Story events, I don’t wanna spoil it for someone who hasn’t done an Ashley run, but she basically has some time for reflection and comes out better for it.
Yeah, in 3. I agree, it’s a bit rough having to deal with her through the first two, but I think the payoff in 3 makes it kinda worth it.
Especially if you happen to sell poor-quality copper
You can’t say something like that and not post the fanfic. Share your dirty Spock!
She comes around, but yeah Kaidan’s a bro
Between this, and the Walz/AOC Madden stream, yeah they’re really going after the gamers!
Yee-yee ass brain pan
He’s 54. Middle-aged, sure, but old?
I’d commit a crime just to get deported, tbh