We Avoid Temptation But It Keeps Finding Us

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • As much as watching everything literally burn would be exceptionally cathartic, it wouldn’t be useful. If you ask me, these CEOs and rich bastards can work X hours a week scrubbing toilets or otherwise contributing to society.

    If you refuse to contribute to society cause you were rich and think you’re hot shit, then jail. Something like the minimum security prison in Norway where the point is rehabilitation. If you’ve committed war crimes or premeditated murder or otherwise genuinely can’t be offered even that much freedom, then real prison, but still a decent real prison.

    Putin and his ilk are a different matter. What was good enough for Mussolini would be just as good for them.

  • This tech isn’t new, exactly, though it’s probably significantly more sophisticated now. I used to work at a company that used similar monitoring a decade ago. Theirs was (allegedly) triggered only by the motion of the vehicle, I believe DriveCam was the brand name. It sucked back then, I’d imagine it sucks worse now.

    My guess with the reality of the situation is Amazon or their insurance company required installation of the cameras and a low-to-mid level manager somewhere noticed that singing was triggering them, so the manager told people to stop and eventually you end up with this news story. Amazon gets at worst plausible deniability and shitty things continue.

  • You end up saying something similar to yourself after you read and fail to understand a LKML archive because it’s the only available documentation on this specific flag that you may or may not need and if you don’t need it why not turn it off. Repeat this many times for much learning (eventually).

    It was a great experience but next time I’m building everything not strictly necessary as a module.

  • I expect this will go like it did at the church I attended growing up. They’ll apologize, maybe even shed a tear or two then everything will go back to normal.

    The only way to end this is to do something about the underlying system they teach that allows and condones behavior like this. Churches like this treat the leadership like they’re little gods, because to the flock (this is the term they use) they’re literally the voice of God. The pastor (usually) can’t be wrong because that would obviously mean God was wrong, and that can’t happen or the universe disappears in a paradox.

    I don’t know what to do about it, but this is (part of) the problem as I see it.

  • The more relevant section is here

    “It’s not uncommon for larger game companies like Bethesda to have mixed reactions to fan-made projects of this scale, we saw this with things such as Fallout: The Frontier,” says Carter, referencing the game-sized mod for Fallout: New Vegas that launched in 2021. “They often tolerate projects’ like ours’ existence as long as they don’t infringe on their intellectual property or negatively impact their brand.”

    That said, I agree with you. The Frontier had issues because they put problematic shit in their mod. Bethesda has explicitly given shoutouts to Sim Settlements (I’m pretty sure there’s others) in the recent past.