Three for me. Once on PC (when it was the first action RPG I’d ever played), once on Xbox (for which I even bought all the DLC, even the cosmetic stuff), and finally the Legendary edition on PS4 (which gave me the extra FPS to be able to complete it on Insanity)

    11 months ago

    ME1 and ME2: Three times ME3: only twice.

    I bought ME1 for 360 out of the $20 bin without knowing anything about it (probably somewhere in 2009). I then bought 2 and 3 on release for PS3.

    I picked up 1 and 2 (I think as a bundle) on steam sometime in 2019. The LE was announced before I needed to buy ME3 for the PC.

    LE for PC on release.

    I also bought Andromeda on PC after finishing my second LE playthrough. Haven’t finished it…

    • freamonOP
      211 months ago

      I also bought Andromeda on PC after finishing my second LE playthrough. Haven’t finished it…

      To be fair, neither did the devs, ha ha. (I can laugh about it now, the years have softened the pain)