• Steve
    1 year ago

    And athletes get so much endorsement money off of the exposure they get playing for their teams that they should be paying the league for the privilege.

    They do by not demanding higher salaries.

    And people who go on late night talk shows are pushing their latest projects; they should be paying the networks to be on the show.

    Id expect many do. The less famous actors and authors. The ones who aren’t really “promotable”. Sure.

    Professional orchestral musicians would never get to play in front of the crowds they do without the orchestra group, so they should pay to be members rather than collecting a salary.

    That’s entirely different since they aren’t using their time on stage to make any other money.

    And don’t even get me started on those moochers over on Youtube; they should be paying Youtube for drawing millions of views, not the other way around.

    If YouTube got rid of their ads like I sugested, that would make perfect sense.

    You seem to have forgotten this is all predicated on the elimination of platform ads.