If you get, say, depressed because of your life being constant shit, how will going to a mental institution help? How does therapy help?

It’s not like therapy is going to solve the problems you face in life, like lack of money, friends, bad job, etc? I guess I’m asking what is the purpose of therapy and mental institutions?

  • @Steve
    8 months ago

    You’re not sure how advice on dealing with your problems will help fix those problems?

    1. Have problem.
    2. Get advice on how to fix problem.
    3. Implement the advice given.
    4. Problem fixed? No: Go to 2. Yes: Win!
    • AmidFuror
      28 months ago

      The confusion of the OP was how would a therapist help fix financial issues? The thing about depression and other mental health issues is that they will remain even if the financial situation gets fixed (e.g. you come into a windfall). They are due to underlying problems.

      Depression needs to be treated along with getting financial advice from a different expert.

      • @Steve
        18 months ago

        The same procedure applies to depression as well.

        • AmidFuror
          18 months ago

          I think OP was confused that financial problems cause depression rather than it being a separate thing that is exacerbated by life circumstances. If that is your line of thinking then it makes no sense for a therapist to treat depression unless they’re also really good with personal finance or can get the patient a good job.