I avoid Google products as much as possible these days, especially anything launched within the last 2-3 years, because it will soon be abandoned and unsupported. Their search results are worse than they have ever been. The only Google app I actually like is Google Maps.
Yeah the search has gone to shit. I’ve been using Duck Duck Go but I guess that is Bing based?
Also been trying out Kagi. The format is unsettling at first but it is nice to see the results I am looking for at the top instead of a bunch of bullshit ads / sponsored results and whatever along with crappy results below the fold.
It works OK if you know a name, but not the location, but not the other way around. If there’s any concentration of businesses, you can zoom in all you want but it will only show 1 in 2 places.
Many search terms now result in residential places near the top results. I suppose these are mostly small webshops run out of homes for the same terms, but that isn’t usually what one is looking for when using maps.
I avoid Google products as much as possible these days, especially anything launched within the last 2-3 years, because it will soon be abandoned and unsupported. Their search results are worse than they have ever been. The only Google app I actually like is Google Maps.
Try magic earth instead of gmaps
Yeah the search has gone to shit. I’ve been using Duck Duck Go but I guess that is Bing based?
Also been trying out Kagi. The format is unsettling at first but it is nice to see the results I am looking for at the top instead of a bunch of bullshit ads / sponsored results and whatever along with crappy results below the fold.
Maps is also seriously going down the gutter.