Could be, and while it sounds profound on the surface, it falls apart when you realize diplomacy is a daily occurance. I can’t even comprehend how many horrible things have been completely avoided due to tactful diplomacy by people we may never know the names of.
More a general loss of trust toward politics i guess.
Its a true line from the series though! S3 E16 where Spock has to deal with Gideon’s leaders who seem to want to waste time while they expose one of their female specimens to Kiek
I assume this is a “Biden gEnOSiDe” thing?
Could be, and while it sounds profound on the surface, it falls apart when you realize diplomacy is a daily occurance. I can’t even comprehend how many horrible things have been completely avoided due to tactful diplomacy by people we may never know the names of.
More a general loss of trust toward politics i guess.
Its a true line from the series though! S3 E16 where Spock has to deal with Gideon’s leaders who seem to want to waste time while they expose one of their female specimens to Kiek
“Nothing justifies genocide.” - Kira Nerys.
Not even mocking switched caps.