I’m kind of tired of Google sending me to the same 3 sites whenever I search for something. If not the same 3 sites it’s 7 others that are so generic and boring I just feel they’re useless. It’s always makeuseof, androidauthority, or whatever other sites that have useful information but I rarely feel like they are saying anything new.

I want to see the results from those small blogs that are sometimes linked here. I can’t come up with one since… you know that’s why I’m asking how to find them, but you know them; they talk about nerdy stuff and are not afraid to get technical in whatever topic they discuss.

Also duckduckgo and qwant do the same thing. If there is a way to curate the results to better fit my needs then that’d be great too!

  • Doctor xNo@r.nf
    1 year ago

    I’ve been using Presearch for a while and often forget I’m not on a common one. But when I really need something more obscure or hard to find due to most engines’ algorhytms, I sometimes go for Yandex, which doesn’t filter out most stuff Google, Bing,… do, but it leaves you filtering through a bunch of Russian stuff… 😅

    My search-engine test for this is quite simple, though. Look for something specific nobody wants to see (like known scam sites like bitcoin doublers), there’s plenty of those still around, but they usually are part of the great search-engine filters, so if I look for those specifically and find them first entry on a search engine, that usually means the engine results are not tweaked and I’ll have more chance finding what I need rather than what it thinks I should find/need…