I saw an article about them attacking Lebanon now. So, where will it stop? Have the Israeli government ever spoken about this?
I saw an article about them attacking Lebanon now. So, where will it stop? Have the Israeli government ever spoken about this?
In 1948 when Israel was formed as a nation state, the borders were set at that time. It would not have been a problem but terrorists (think Hamas and other groups like that) kept going across the border into Israel and killing and committing other crimes. Israel fought back.
As Israel fought back more cross border raids happened.
Israel puts up the iron dome ( understandable because of the missiles being launched at them).
Israel pushed their borders to try to get some breathing room. I disagree with their belief the area should be settled. Make it a DMZ ? Fine, that’s a legitimate usage. But to settle it? Now they are (in my opinion) expanding their territory and not creating a buffer zone.
But I’m not sure what the answer is.
Leave Palestine alone and allow hamas to keep doing cross border raids?
Keep responding to the individual cross border raids and attack hamas? That doesn’t solve the problem because hamas will keep coming.
Put other nations militaries on the border? Hamas will just call that an act of aggression by those countries and attack those militaries.
Hamas has a belief that all Jews everywhere should be killed. So where would the Jews even go?
Just expand their nation ( Israel) to the ocean? Ok then where do the Palestinians go?
I’m not sure what the answer is.
The state of Palestine was split to create two countries Palestine and Israel. Because historically that was the Jewish homeland. But how do we solve this current problem. I have no idea
Which neighbouring nations approved of those borders and does Israel respect those borders today?
The borders were technically a theory… an idea. It wasn’t even officially established until Israel gained military might, if I remember correctly.
Israel was formed from a combination of terrorist groups like Lehi and Irgun.
Israel is like the power ranger form of terrorism.
Israel is the terrorist. Israel was established by murdering and displacing the people who lived there.
Genocide and mass murder are the core values of the Israeli state.
Yeah it would have nothing to do with the fact that after world war 2 no one would take in the Jews. So a Jewish state was created. Nah nothing to do with that at all.
Did they have to murder and displace millions of Palestinians?
You need to read more about this subject from a *less biased source.
For example?
For example?
Colonial league of nations declare Israeli state after later to become Israeli terrorists have terrorized Palestinians and the British troops to force them out. Palestinians are not asked on the matter if they want to give those terrorists a fascist ethnostate on their land.
Fascist ethnostate gets declared, starts ethically cleansing hundreds of thousands of people.
Some neighbouring countries try to prevent that.
75 years of propaganda and brainwashing and people like you spin it like the Israelis are the victims, even while they are currently committing an even worse genocide and ethnic cleansing than they used to do back then and in between.
What kind of bubble do you live in? If you take 2 million people, close their airspace, ports and land borders they’re not going to be happy.
On top of that Israel does the following:
When people are suffocating because someone has their foot on their throat they react. Nobody should be surprised that Oct 7 happened. Especially after Israel was warned many times that they would do something if they continue raiding one of the holiest sites in Islam.
and thus you justified the 14 words.
“We must secure the existence of our people and a future for Jewish children”
we must slaughter Palestinians, because only then can we be safe!
and thus you justified the 14 words.
“We must secure the existence of our people and a future for Jewish children”
we must slaughter Palestinians, because only then can we be safe!