I’m majoring in CS related-field, and I used to have tons of passion for it and underlying tech, and worked as full stack dev, but my mind was very different in a good way (better at logical/cognitive demanding tasks, creative, productive, etc). Things happened, and I just can’t stand living in society, experiencing all this materialistic world and feeling sick about it. I’m truly traumatized and I’ve been trying all available means to improve (so I’m not asking what rule 3 is against)… I can’t feel any passion for what I used to do… The meanings I gave for my life and hope are away. I don’t care anymore about digital world, industrialization, I just can’t. So my performance has suffered due to all this.

So, it can sound funny to read this, but I am considering living in a farm I have access to and do my own farming to eat, artesian well for water, constructing just a little home to live… I don’t exactly care about electricity. I would probably be happier just by burning some stuff to have light at night if needed and looking at the stars all alone until death.

What do you all think about this?

  • betwixthewires@lemmy.basedcount.com
    1 year ago

    It’s not lonely. You might think it is but it isn’t. I did a decade in the cities, bar hopping, out with friends, online dating, all that stuff. It was all surface level and dating was like crawling through a desert wasteland eating bugs for survival.

    I met my wife and we started a family after I moved to the country. I met her organically, at a pool. I courted her the old fashioned, organic way, no conspicuous spending to impress, none of that bullshit, just good old fashioned being myself, being respectful but persistent, that kind of stuff. She’s an impressive woman in basically any way you can imagine.

    To have a rich social life in the country, you need to 1) not move to a tweaker town, 2) move somewhere rich with the kind of people you like to be around (I don’t mean ideology, I mean age, sex, etc) and 3) go to places where people are and talk to them. Don’t judge. Outside of cities you don’t have to pay someone to go outside to do something, you just go outside and do it. Everything doesn’t cost money.

    So if you are just sick of the materialism, the traffic, the constant expenses, the needless complexity, I’d say a small town is for you, ofc provided you pick one that isn’t full of 100 year old people or tweakers, and just go outside all the time and don’t be afraid to talk to people. If you like looking at the stars you’ll do just fine.