I have a network-wide pi hole and I noticed that it requested activity.windows.com, a url blocked by my pi hole, even while my pc is suspended. I pinged and it is currently unreachable. So, somehow, windows pc’s turn on networking, phones home, and turns off even while suspended.
Creepy behavior
It’s such a dumb fucking feature too.
“Oh god forbid my email client and messaging app refresh 5 seconds after I wake my laptop instead of being already refreshed”
Who actually cares? Who on earth asked for this zombie sleep state?
I think the worst part is not that they added it, but that they removed regular S3.
Don’t forget the added feature of your laptop overheating and crashing when you put it into your backpack.
Or my personal favorite is when it doesn’t overheat and crash it drains 20% of it’s battery in 15 minutes then goes into hibernation.
A consequence of the endless need for NeW fEaTuReS
I expect is more usefull for big files or similar, aka like the consoles standby updates downloads.
Your phone does the same thing and it’s definitely a good thing.