Most people on the entire planet are aware of how shitty he is at this point. Everyone that would not purchase a product related to him is already not buying said product. There’s no more people to convince. Don’t act like a white knight while degrading the content in this community.
I swear this specific community is turning more people off to lemmy than any other. These type of posts are why.
Most people on the entire planet are aware of how shitty he is at this point. Everyone that would not purchase a product related to him is already not buying said product. There’s no more people to convince. Don’t act like a white knight while degrading the content in this community.
I swear this specific community is turning more people off to lemmy than any other. These type of posts are why.
Section 49, where 64% of people either liked him or didn’t know enough about him to have an opinion.
My we are pompous today