TOS S1E27 “The Alternative Factor”

  • Flying Squid@lemmy.worldM
    7 days ago

    Could be. Wouldn’t have been the first or last time he was an asshole. Spock is an unreasonable dick for basically all of That Which Survives-

    Rahda: We’re holding warp eight point four, sir. If we can maintain it, our estimated time of arrival is eleven and one half solar hours.
    Mr. Spock: Eleven point three three seven hours, Lieutenant. I wish you would be more precise.

    Lt. Cmdr. Montgomery ‘Scotty’ Scott: Mr. Spock, the ship feels wrong.
    Mr. Spock: “Feels,” Mr. Scott?
    Lt. Cmdr. Montgomery ‘Scotty’ Scott: I know it doesn’t make sense. Instrumentation reads correct, but the feel is wrong. It’s something I can’t quite put into words.
    Mr. Spock: That’s is obvious, Mr. Scott.

    Mr. Spock: In that case, Mr. Scott, I suggest we start at once. Can you give me warp 8?
    Lt. Cmdr. Montgomery ‘Scotty’ Scott: Aye, sir. And maybe a wee bit more. I’ll sit on the warp engines myself and nurse them.
    Mr. Spock: That position, Mr. Scott, would not only be unavailing, but also… undignified.

    Uhura: Mr. Spock, what are the chances of the captain and the others being alive?
    Mr. Spock: Lieutenant, we are not engaged in gambling.

    Dude gives the odds every time but that one. Presumably just to be a dick to Uhura. He was even a dick to M’Benga which is just not something I would recommend ever to anyone…

    Dr. M’Benga: Well, the pattern of cellular disruption was the same, but as to the cause, well, your guess is as good as mine.
    Mr. Spock: My guess, Doctor, would be valueless. I suggest we refrain from guessing and find some facts.

    I mean why M’Benga didn’t just break his neck right then and there…