What if a country that holds half the world’s data centers decides to walk out of every global climate accord and start powering those bad boys with fracking due to isolationist trade policies? Won’t amount to zero and in less than a month we find out how that ship is changing its heading
Why would a corporate entity move PP&E to a different country in light of the promise of increasingly favorable tax rates and the threat of tariffs? There’s a reason why US and Ireland are havens. Those things are bolted down
What if a country that holds half the world’s data centers decides to walk out of every global climate accord and start powering those bad boys with fracking due to isolationist trade policies? Won’t amount to zero and in less than a month we find out how that ship is changing its heading
Those data centers would soon be somewhere else due to… economics. And even if not, wouldn’t be significant.
Why would a corporate entity move PP&E to a different country in light of the promise of increasingly favorable tax rates and the threat of tariffs? There’s a reason why US and Ireland are havens. Those things are bolted down
Ok, bask in your american exceptionalism if you please.
Weird thing for you to say to someone basically parroting the IPCC’s concerns.
No idea what you mean and not gonna read the ipcc report now.