• ubermeisters@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    100% agree. I’m literally only here because I can’t tolerate Reddit anymore and I’m addicted to having some bullshit to read on my phone.

    This isn’t a great website guys sorry. I don’t have a better option, and I dont have suggestions on how to make it better. You can’t. It’s a society issue, not a tech or gui issues. I’m not sure I can think of a single website that I enjoy visiting anymore. I’m addicted; it’s a habit I’m trying to break slowly.

    Lemmy has just enough engagement so that I don’t feel like I’m browsing a cemetery, and it’s my methadone currently for my dwindling reddit addiction.

    And before you try to tell me this isn’t just another toxic shithole, last time I expressed this sentiment, several users messaged me to let me know I didn’t need to be alive if I chose to go that route. I don’t even care. I expect it everywhere online now. But it speaks volumes about how fucked up the internet has made us all.

    Yes, I’m gonna go touch some grass, and no, you arent gonna talk me into walking off a tall ledge, so don’t waste your breath please. I only logged in to make this comment so if someone else out there feels the same way, they don’t feel like such a out of place wierdo. How toxic has the internet become when I can’t even feel free to be a little bit vulnerable like this without this disclaimer? Is this the experience you wanted?

    Disclaimer: I’m a shithead too, and I’m 100% positive I’ve been a cunt to people here without good cause before as well. Not claiming to be a great user 100% of the time, I’m human, and flawed also, and not all of my ideologies are yours.

    Also: there’s like 2 topics on this entire fucking platform, and the mods are just as power hungry without any actual accountability at all.

    • Snipe_AT@lemmy.atay.dev
      1 year ago

      I agree with you kind soul. Some days this place seems like a toxic cesspool. You better not have a viewpoint that is even barely contrary to the this general populace’s.