It is less than a week till Christmas and I still have not gotten anything ordered or anything, I have felt depressed and low energy these pasts couple of months, I cannot even keep up with my house chores which angers my roommates. I don’t think they want to hear about my mental health anymore, I think they are gonna be very upset when they bought me thing and I got nothing or just offered cash since I really have no energy to shop for them and I have no idea what to get and this has been a major cause of stress these past couple of weeks on top of non stop work, with only one day off in between. I just feel like I am crashing out and wondering if I should just move out and be homeless since I cannot really be the best roommate right now

    3 months ago

    As for chores, I have problems with that as well, so I started watching my favorite shows on tv. But the annoying type of tv, the type with lots of commercials. And every time a commercial comes on, I get up and do a bit of cleaning.

    When I start, the first hour might be something like collecting, bagging and taking out trash, moving dishes to the kitchen, and putting all my dirty clothes in a pile. But then the second hour of tv, I might set the dishes to soak during the first ad, put the clothes in the washer during the second, and start scrubbing the dishes during the third set of commercials.

    I feel less guilty about watching TV, I’m not wasting time doom scrolling or playing Candy Crush during the ads, the housework is actually getting done, and yet I don’t feel tired when the show ends because the work was done in short bursts throughout the hour.

    Another thing I do sometimes is that I’ll make a commitment to myself that today I’m going to walk into each area (bedroom, kitchen, bath, entryway, living room, hallway, utility room, pantry, etc) and improve one thing in each area. The improvement can be anything - pick a piece of paper off the floor, replace a dead lightbulb, fold one towel, whatever.

    And I’ll do that for the first couple/few areas, but then I get some momentum going. I’ll end up picking up dishes or trash and doing a bunch of stuff over several rooms. After a while, I’ll find myself slowing down, so I’ll go through every area to make sure I’ve done something, then finish up anything I might have left half-done, then go take a well-earned rest.

    I like the tv-commercials-cleaning because it doesn’t leave me tired at the end. I like the fix-one-thing idea because I got really tired of having one random room clean while the others were in disarray; I found it lifted my spirits if I had at least some progress in each room.

    I don’t know if either of those ideas help, but they might.