It is less than a week till Christmas and I still have not gotten anything ordered or anything, I have felt depressed and low energy these pasts couple of months, I cannot even keep up with my house chores which angers my roommates. I don’t think they want to hear about my mental health anymore, I think they are gonna be very upset when they bought me thing and I got nothing or just offered cash since I really have no energy to shop for them and I have no idea what to get and this has been a major cause of stress these past couple of weeks on top of non stop work, with only one day off in between. I just feel like I am crashing out and wondering if I should just move out and be homeless since I cannot really be the best roommate right now

    3 months ago

    I can’t do much for your mental health but I can tell you what I do for xmas to minimize my own effort.

    I straight up asked most adult family and friends what they wanted, and in one guy who never particularly wants anythings case told him to name a place he likes to eat and I’ll gift card him that. For children I got books I liked at about their age, and bookmarks of their interests, e.g. pokemon. As I presume you don’t know their interests, don’t worry about that part unless you’re feeling extra.

    I didn’t even wrap stuff, and instead bought gift bags and threw the gifts in there. In prior years I ordered on Amazon and paid them to wrap but that shit is like 4 bucks per gift. If you don’t think you can muster “throw in bag” energy, let Amazon do it for you.

    In cases where you can’t get a answer as to what they want but you want to give the minimal illusion of caring, get giftcards to places (not amazon or walmart. more targeted, like barnes and noble, or a craft store.). Its basically cash but it has a more personal touch. I presume that while you might not know if buddy wants book X or book Y, you at least know that they like reading.

    If the person is such a blank canvas to you that you don’t even know broad things they like then I’m kinda confused as to why yall are exchanging gifts to begin with. In that case, if you just feel socially obligated, get them a bag of grocery store fancy chocolates like Lindor or Ferrero Rocher. They’re easy to regift if the person is vegan/diet restricted and you forgot.