It is less than a week till Christmas and I still have not gotten anything ordered or anything, I have felt depressed and low energy these pasts couple of months, I cannot even keep up with my house chores which angers my roommates. I don’t think they want to hear about my mental health anymore, I think they are gonna be very upset when they bought me thing and I got nothing or just offered cash since I really have no energy to shop for them and I have no idea what to get and this has been a major cause of stress these past couple of weeks on top of non stop work, with only one day off in between. I just feel like I am crashing out and wondering if I should just move out and be homeless since I cannot really be the best roommate right now

    3 months ago

    I find giving gifts hard as well, and I hate that I’ often expected to be happy, even if I have no need or use for the thing So I talked with family and friends, I don’t want gifts, I don’t need gifts. I’m happy to meet, have a nice dinner. This made christmas soo much better for me. With my partner we write a list of stuff we’d like, and we get the other one/two things from that list to keep the surprise part. A surprising number of friends like giving gifts, but don’t expect it to be returned if you don’t want to.

    I feel like your problems go a lot deeper, but a preemptive talk about it csn help if they are reasonable people