It is less than a week till Christmas and I still have not gotten anything ordered or anything, I have felt depressed and low energy these pasts couple of months, I cannot even keep up with my house chores which angers my roommates. I don’t think they want to hear about my mental health anymore, I think they are gonna be very upset when they bought me thing and I got nothing or just offered cash since I really have no energy to shop for them and I have no idea what to get and this has been a major cause of stress these past couple of weeks on top of non stop work, with only one day off in between. I just feel like I am crashing out and wondering if I should just move out and be homeless since I cannot really be the best roommate right now

    3 months ago

    The chores solution that works for me is I get up a little earlier for work. Waking up in the morning sucks no matter what time so I don’t even notice the slightly earlier time. By the time I shower and get breakfast I’m ready for the day. So if I have 30 minutes before I need to leave (even 10 or 15) I have time and energy to do a little something. Once I get home from work I’m too dead.

    As for gifts, I’ve done everything either online and ship to me or curbside pickup. Actually going into stores and dealing with people is hugely overwhelming. But I can manage being on my phone to get some gifts.

    But if you can’t right now, cut yourself some slack. Take care of yourself. If you feel the need to get something, a gift card/certificate can feel a little more personal than cash (though I know people have different, sometimes strong, opinions about this).