Last month Fort Peck Indian Reservation in Montana, an original signatory of the Buffalo Treaty, a growing partnership of First Nations to return bison to Plains communities, gave Mosquito-Grizzly Bear’s Head-Lean Man First Nation (MGBHLM) in Saskatchewan 11 plains bison from the Yellowstone National Park herd.

It was the first time bison from the Yellowstone herd were going to Canada.

Jonny Bearcub-Stiffarm, part of the Pte Group, said people on both sides of the border worked together to agree on a process to get the animals over the border.

“Our old prophecies say that when the buffalo returns, our people will become strong once again,” said Bearcub-Stiffarm.

“We felt so strongly that we needed to share our buffalo. Here in the United States, we’ve been doing that for several years, but two and a half years ago we were saying it would be nice to share with our relatives up north. It’s critical for our health of the buffalo … that we have genetic diversity.”