I bought a “Buy It Now” item, payment went through. Two days later, I got an email saying I got a refund. I looked at the order and I looks like I indeed got a full refund. There are no notes or messages from the seller, so I’m not really sure what happened. Should I message the seller? Report that I haven’t received the order? The order does not show that it was canceled; it shows the Paid status, and awaiting shipping.

I’m honestly confused on what to do.

  • Alexstarfire@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    If you actually got the refund you should just go buy something else. I can only assume the seller canceled the order for some reason.

    I’ve never run into this before but my experience is from over a decade ago. Probably isn’t all that relevant anymore.

    • loopy@lemm.eeOP
      11 months ago

      It’s a vintage woodworking tool and semi-difficult to find. There are new ones available but are double the price. I’ll just have to try to find another one from a different seller, but I’m kind of upset because I thought it was a done deal.