I’m putting away $300 a month, my question is where to put it. savings account has basically 0 interest, there are HYSA (high yield savings account) that would give me 3-5% apy, or I already have some money in stocks that have grown consistently 25% over the last year (index funds only)
what would you guys recommend? I’m looking to buy it probably 3 years from now. that way either I’ve got a fat down payment or I can just buy it cash
I’d follow the rule of thumb for anything less than 5 years, use a HYSA. Mines around 4%, which isn’t beating the market but at least the value will only go up. Something you want for a short term goal like this.
may I ask who you have your account with? really appreciate that chart
No problem at all. Yoinked from r/personalfinance a while ago.
I’m using Wealthfront :)