Note that the anon user is able to become root without a password by default, as a development convenience. To prevent this, remove anon from the wheel group and it will no longer be able to run /bin/su.
The change was accepted after a short conversation. So to talk about “refusing a small change so aggressively” is total bullshit, like you’re trying to start a fight or something.
ugh transphobia rots people’s brains
it’s not too hard to just be a decent person ppl
Sure, but there’s no transphobia here. Stop spreading nonsense.
Ok, you keep saying that but never explain why/how. Like, why refuse such a small change so aggressively?
The documentation has long since been changed. (this seems to have also switched to gender neutral language in other parts.'of the documentation and comments as well).
Original drama:
Ok, fair enough then. Could have been a simple misunderstanding.
The change was accepted after a short conversation. So to talk about “refusing a small change so aggressively” is total bullshit, like you’re trying to start a fight or something.