and Israel? fuck off. 5000 drug fueled Arab “Palestinians” invaded on Oct 7th, raped israeli women over the bodies of israeli women they had already raped and murdered, slaughtered 1500 men, women and babies, then kidnapped hundreds more THEY STILL HOLD IN GAZA. your gaslighting and antisemitism is laughable
Well when you put it like that I guess the 60,000 dead and 111,000 wounded Palestinians, including children and babies, seems justified.
Claiming murder of babies and rape twice after both being disproven is actually crazy
Disproven? Specific cases, that is things someone said*, were proven to be false. Not that it generally did not happen. There was a ton of sexual violence, why shouldn’t there be? There always is in any even remotely comparable event. If you did not see pictures of dead babies then I really recommend to leave it that way, but they too were murdered.
*Just imagine the circumstances under which this happened. People say far more absurd things in far less traumatizing events. I really hate how the media jumpes on such things - in both directions, mind you.
It is like saying climate change has been disproven because someone falsely claimed that only the emissions of planes are the cause.
Two wrong do not make a right, but acting as if Hamas did not do horrible fucked up shit is not helping.