This hypothesized ninth planet (not you, sorry Pluto) might explain the unusual commonalities of extreme trans-Neptunian objects (ETNOs) 100s of AU from the sun. These ETNOs (such as dwarf planets and sednoids) have remarkably aligned orbits, suggest the existence of an undiscovered celestial body, dubbed Planet Nine, influencing them gravitationally.
Even if it’s a dwarf planet, it’s still a planet. It’s right there in the name: dwarf planet.
This article should be about “Planet 18” since Wikipedia recognizes 17 planets already.
Okay Jerry
Do you put butterflies on your toast?
Free protein!
It’s closer to planet 1.4 million if you include the rest of the dwarf parts and minor planets under the same logic. It gets a little hard to remember all the names at that point though.
Challenge accepted!