Hello all! I’ve been a Software Developer for almost 15 years now, and after staying at my last few companies for only 2 years each, I’m starting to think about the possibility of becoming a freelancer/contractor. I’m looking for more flexibility in my work and getting out of parts of the corporate culture that I have grown to dislike.

I’m in a good place financially, and so I’m looking to see if it’s a possibility. I speak English and German fluently, and have primarily a background in webservice and FE development, though I can also do quite a bit of Rust and have dabbled in Android apps a bit. I also have some experience with medical software. I think my biggest issues right now are business model development / pricing and finding customers.

Does anyone know of any good resources? I find quite a bit online, but a lot seems geared towards being self-employed generally, and not to the software industry itself. I’d be looking for either good websites or books, or general starting points for research.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions or advice!

  • leds@feddit.dk
    1 month ago

    Most companies do not want to deal with independent contractors, there might even be some penalties for the company if the contractor screwes up their taxes.

    Solution is go through on of the many consulting firms, they will deal with the paper work, might even try to match you with a job and take a large cut of the pay.

    If you want to go independent you’d need to have your own business. Your life will be in a constant state of stress of either no paid work, but still writing quotes and having meetings about potential work that never materialises, or too much work.