“He’s caught with a gun, he gets suspended and then, less than two months later, he gets filmed again on Instagram with a gun and you’re like, ‘Kid can’t be that stupid,’” said Barkley.
“[The] kid is getting paid close to $100 million and the only thing you have to do is don’t be a fool. Just play basketball. Ain‘t like it’s a real job.
“We’re not like teachers. We’re not like firemen. We’re not like policemen. We’re not somebody who’s in the service. We’re not a doctor. Those are five real jobs.
“Real jobs [with] people who will never make a lot of money and all you have to do is dribble a stupid basketball and stay out of trouble.”
It’s really nice to have old Chuck now. He is extremely intelligent, humble, and empathetic. What a genuinely good human being.
So it erases the violent piece of shit he was when he played huh?
No. But we also need to give credit to people who own their mistakes, grow as people, and become better human beings. And once they have, beating them over the head for mistakes they have outgrown seems pretty counterproductive. If we keep doing that, what incentive does anyone have to change?
People can change and learn how to grow
Ja can do it too.
It was like 30 years ago Jesus Christ
When I was a kid I wanted to be like Mike. But now as an adult, I wanna be like chuck.
I love chuck, but he’s not that smart, and he would be the first to tell you that.