I need some extra income doesnt have to be a huge business just enough to make idk $600 a month or so
Clean eaves and make $600 / day unless you’re as lazy as your post is 🤣
It might not cover the total amount but check out plasma donation.
Digital marketing! The potential is HUGE.
Can elaborate more?
There are people and they have money. There are other people and they have things or services. How do the people with the money hear about the people with the things and services?
Or how do the people with the services and things reach the people with the money?
And where are we RIGHT NOW! Online, with out text begin digitized like that kid in willy wonka!
Digital Marketing!
It’s a gold mine Jerry!
Yes you can go to www.letshustlegirls.com I will be uploading a video this week to explain more
OE for 3 - 6 months
Do something you are good at and bring value to people. The more value you bring the more money you will make.