Image transcript:
The “we are not the same” meme template, but here it says, “You want dense, walkable, transit-oriented cities because you love the vibrancy and convenience of urban life. I want dense, walkable, transit-oriented cities because I don’t want endless suburbs to encroach on the peace and tranquility of rural life. We are natural allies.”
Sirens from what?
Emergency vehicles. Even without cars there will still be ambulances and fire engines.
I also didn’t mention delivery and garbage trucks, which are also incredibly loud and would also be in a car free city.
Oh, and air traffic.
I don’t think sirens need to be anywhere near as loud without cars. The only reason they are so loud currently is to be heard over the roar of the highway.
Will cities be as quiet as the countryside? Probably not. But they will be dramatically quieter than they are now. Not Just Bikes took some decibel measurements of urban areas with and without cars and the difference is pretty huge.
I don’t doubt that they’re a lot quieter without cars, since I’ve seen that video, too. But it won’t ever be enough for me, especially because as the city gets quieter I stop being bothered by the noise and start being worried other people are bothered by mine.
I’d recommend seeking therapeutical help, that’s a sign of paranoia.
It’s called being polite. I don’t want to be the loud asshole.