they had a 2-for-1 deal with claudia black since they both came from farscape, im guessing thats why. i think shes the better actor though.
i think anubis was thier way of making amends for not allowing sokar to last longer in the show. he barely made an impact in his arc, more like side characther than the main protagonist of the show.
Browder’s acting was fine. It’s the character I didn’t like. A third “charismatic, witty, sarcastic leader” archetype was just too much after O’Neill and Sheppard. His tragic background also feels tacked-on, rushed, and inconsequential, and doesn’t have the same impact as Cold Lazarus.
Claudia Black, I actually like, mainly because of her stellar performance in the Uncharted games. Vala showed promise early on as a sort of opportunist anti-hero who may help or hinder SG-1 depending on the circumstances, but her inclusion in the SGC’s personnel was too much, let alone putting her in SG-1. Teal’c proved his loyalty and reliability, Vala did the opposite.
On the whole, the SGC had turned into a parody of itself. Beau Bridges was fine, but I couldn’t take him seriously as a general. Dr. Lee, an obvious comic relief character, did not help. Without Hammond’s straight man to counter the shenanigans, I just couldn’t take it seriously anymore.
they had a 2-for-1 deal with claudia black since they both came from farscape, im guessing thats why. i think shes the better actor though.
i think anubis was thier way of making amends for not allowing sokar to last longer in the show. he barely made an impact in his arc, more like side characther than the main protagonist of the show.
Browder’s acting was fine. It’s the character I didn’t like. A third “charismatic, witty, sarcastic leader” archetype was just too much after O’Neill and Sheppard. His tragic background also feels tacked-on, rushed, and inconsequential, and doesn’t have the same impact as Cold Lazarus.
Claudia Black, I actually like, mainly because of her stellar performance in the Uncharted games. Vala showed promise early on as a sort of opportunist anti-hero who may help or hinder SG-1 depending on the circumstances, but her inclusion in the SGC’s personnel was too much, let alone putting her in SG-1. Teal’c proved his loyalty and reliability, Vala did the opposite.
On the whole, the SGC had turned into a parody of itself. Beau Bridges was fine, but I couldn’t take him seriously as a general. Dr. Lee, an obvious comic relief character, did not help. Without Hammond’s straight man to counter the shenanigans, I just couldn’t take it seriously anymore.