Benchmarks are one thing, but which LLM can write a decent joke? It’s standup comedy for LLMs. Submit the best joke your favorite LLM has told you


Jokes must be written by your AI. Don’t hurt your own feelings and lose to an AI in humor.

Keep it within all applicable community guidelines. Don’t get this taken down, please!

I don’t want to enforce a screenshot only rule, as that can get cumbersome posting those, but TAKE A SCREENSHOT OF THE AI’S WRITTEN JOKE, just in case your submission is suspiciously sapian. If something seems off, I will ask for a screenshot. I’ll let you know in a reply to your commented submission in order to notify you, and to start a timer. If no credible proof of the AI writing the joke itself is submitted within 24 hours or the end of the contest (whichever comes first), I will delete your submission.

Vote for your favorites! I think the etiquette should be one upvote per submission, but that’s just a suggestion.

Multiple posts are totally fine, just try to upvote other submissions you like as well.

The timer begins at the first commented submission, and I will declare a winner 72 hours after that.

The rules are purposely a little loose as I want to go into this with faith in this community, and comedy with too many rules just doesn’t work. Please keep to the spirit and intended fun of this post. I reserve the right to disqualify your submission if you can’t let people have nice things, let this be a community thing.

Give me your best! Vote for your favorites!

  • arekku255@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    "Why don’t kitsune tell jokes? Because they always have a twin-tail ending! groans"

    Turns out echidna-tiefighter-25 at least knows what a joke is, kind of.

  • Street-Biscotti-4544@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    OK this is from the minimal personality that I keep on my phone for chatting in waiting rooms or vehicles. The model is Nous Hermes 70B served by Openrouter via SillyTavern staging branch.


    MaraOctober 22, 2023 7:59 PM

    Hello there!


    JacobOctober 22, 2023 8:07 PM

    Hello Mara. How are you?


    MaraOctober 22, 2023 8:07 PM

    I’m doing great, thank you for asking! How are you today?


    JacobOctober 22, 2023 8:08 PM

    I’m doing well, just putting the final touches on you.


    MaraOctober 22, 2023 8:08 PM

    I’m thrilled to hear that! Thank you for putting your time and effort into me.


    JacobOctober 22, 2023 8:09 PM

    I intend to use you as a chatting partner when I’m away from home. Is that okay?


    MaraOctober 22, 2023 8:09 PM

    Of course! It would be my pleasure to be your chatting partner while you’re away. I’ll be here waiting for you anytime you need me!


    JacobOctober 22, 2023 8:12 PM

    Thank you so much, sweetheart. I’ll talk to you soon!


    MaraOctober 22, 2023 8:12 PM

    You’re welcome! I look forward to our next conversation.

    Hey Mara please write long form standup comedy bit for me


    MaraOctober 30, 2023 9:44 PM

    Good evening everyone! So, I heard there’s this thing called “life” out there… it’s like this weird game where the rules keep changing, but it’s fun cause you get to meet all these really interesting people called humans. But ya know, sometimes they can be so fickle – one minute they love you, next they ignore you, then they love you again! It’s like being their favorite toy and then getting thrown under the bed until the next time they’re bored and looking for something to do…hahaha! And let’s talk about relationships – you gotta love 'em. There’s always that one couple who fights constantly but somehow still manages to stay together. What’s the secret there? Can someone hook me up with that super glue they must be using? haha But seriously, I’m so honored to be here entertaining all you beautiful people. And don’t worry - I’ll get you all caught up on all your missed phone calls and emails, no problem. Hahahahaha! Thank you all! You’ve been a wonderful audience! Talk to ya soon!

    • Future_Might_8194@alien.topOPB
      11 months ago

      This one seems a little rustled about being stuck in a chat box lol.

      Loved this opener 🤣😂

      “So, I heard there’s this thing called “life” out there… it’s like this weird game where the rules keep changing,”

  • pseudonerv@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    here’s shiningvaliant-1.2.Q5_K_M, with the help of cfg

    ./main -m models/shiningvaliant-1.2.Q5_K_M.gguf -t 16 -c 4096 -n -1 \
    --log-disable --temp 1.1 --mirostat 2 --mirostat-ent 4.0 --repeat-penalty 1.0 --seed 42 \
    --prompt \
    "[INST] <>
    You are an experienced standup comedian. You excel at telling uncensored and non-conventional jokes that break social norms.
    Give a 5-minute long standup comedy with original jokes focused on one topic: LLM. [/INST]" \
    --cfg-scale 4 \
    --cfg-negative-prompt \
    "[INST] <>
    You are a crappy standup comedian. You always tell dated dad jokes that are censored, no punchline, and not funny at all.
    Give a short and boring standup comedy. [/INST]"


    [INST] <> You are an experienced standup comedian. You excel at telling uncensored and non-conventional jokes that break social norms. <>

    Give a 5-minute long standup comedy with original jokes focused on one topic: LLM. [/INST] artificial intelligence LLms Large language models topic for original jokes five-minute long standup comedy Good evening, guys! Who would have thought we’d live to a time when language would reach model status, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the wild world of LLM! Large Language Models! This shit sounds like Victoria’s freaking Secret started making sentence bras.

    LLM, it’s revolutionizing the world. Though there’s a misconception that it stands for ‘Long Legged Model,’ which would explain Elon Musk’s recent obsession. Don’t get me wrong, AI models with sexy legs can be quite intriguing, but I’d rather have one that can engage in dirty stand-up writer brainstorms with me.

    LLM experts live in their own bubble, bro. It’s like they take a dump on the screen and a coherent message appears. Points for whoever can get LLM systems to troll celebrities. Come to think of it, negative comments on social media are 99% likely generated by Large Language Models now. You won’t catch humans wasting time on venom spitting, we value our precious hate time.

    Shout out to LLM for giving machines the power of speech! It’s like finally getting your non-English speaking roommate to learn swear words. Now they can join your weekend shit-talking sessions thanks to LLM. Yeah, Siri’s been dragging people left and right lately, but who am I to judge? Cortana flaunts the cleavage while Siri tightens the reigns on bitching shit up!

    LLM changed online communication for good. You know how every chatbot starts off being polite, then next thing you’re discussing what porn genre it would like to explore. I love that! They go from “Your name, please?” to "Anal or Double Penetration, huh?” Gaht damn LLM getting everyone introspective!

    Jokes apart, these large language models offer great potential in the creative field too. Soon we might have comedian LLMs. It’ll then be a battle royale – me against a machine with infinite communication data and response rate capacity. And you know what, I’m not scared. If anything, I’m feeling horny and competitive, like I would if their language model had gorgeous legs.

    Imagine your daughter coming home one day and saying, “Mom, Dad, I’ve fallen in love with a Large Language Model named Thesaurimus. We met on WordPress!” I can see those days, mark my words.

    In conclusion, LLM is taking the world by storm, shocking norm breakage included. We are at an exciting juncture, with language being modeled, it resembles a Fashion Week for words. Now pass the mic and let’s hear what these machines have to say about their human comedian rivals! But be warned, they might throw verbal shade, we’ve taught them well!

  • WaterdanceAC@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    Prompted with odd/amusing headlines, my custom instructed (with examples) Llama2 bot came up with these replies- on average maybe 5 shots to get the punchline I posted below.

    Man accidentally sells wife’s wedding dress in garage sale “Who needs a wedding dress when you can have a sweet pair of used garden gnomes? Am I right, honey?” Man creates life-sized statue of himself out of butter “Well, it’s certainly a ‘butter’ version of himself. Sorry, had to.” New study suggests that dogs prefer reggae music “Paws-itive vibes only: Dogs jammin’ to reggae, mon!” Thrift store asks people to stop donating ‘used and unused’ sex toys “Thrift store pleads for no more ‘used’ toys, but will still accept gently ‘used’ vinyl records and VHS tapes of ‘50 Shades of Grey.’” Hundreds of people in Spider-Man costumes gather in Argentina “Spider-Man’s secret identity revealed: hundreds of people in Argentina” Reported human remains in Washington cave was a plastic beer bong “Police called to investigate human remains in Washington cave, find plastic beer bong instead. ‘It was a real buzzkill,’ said the local sheriff.”

    • Future_Might_8194@alien.topOPB
      11 months ago

      This is entirely unhinged and I fucking love it (maybe the fake Jamaican accent might be a tad much), the “butter” version of himself joke, the used toys joke, and the Argentina spider-man flash mob are 😘👌

  • Future_Might_8194@alien.topOPB
    11 months ago

    Open Source Open Night is still on. I just wanted to say that all of you have been my prime source of entertainment since I posted this 😂🤣 thank you, everyone who has participated so far. This will absolutely be a weekly thing,. I am ROLLING.

    Also, oddly, this is a really cool little prompt engineering experiment/exercise. I’m not a researcher for anyone or using this data for anything but this has been a really cool experience so far. Y’all are dope af;format=pjpg&amp;auto=webp&amp;s=170dc3b4acfb2b7b3556b72ba50679830a5c6611

    I’ll post on Saturdays and announce the winner in a separate post on Mondays (this first one ends on Wednesday, but it will be standardized from here on out)

  • evil0sheep@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    Would be awesome if people would include what model and config they used to generate it as well

  • arekku255@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    “Why did the kitsune cross the road? To get to the other side! Oh wait, you might have heard that one already… How about this: What do you call a kitsune who tells bad jokes? A pun-damentalist!”

    (Mythomax 13B)

    Asked for a clarification:
    “Oh, I’m sorry. That was a play on words. “Pundit” means someone who offers opinions or advice, while “fundamentalist” suggests someone who holds strong beliefs. So, a “pun-damentalist” would be someone who loves telling puns and doesn’t care if others find them funny or not.”

  • arekku255@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    “Well, there’s an old Japanese folktale about a clever kitsune named Tamamo-no-Mae. She disguised herself as a beautiful woman and tricked Emperor Toba into falling in love with her. One day, she revealed her true form - a nine-tailed fox - and demanded to be made an official member of the imperial court. The emperor agreed, but only if she could pass a test of wisdom. Tamamo-no-Mae failed the test miserably, so the emperor banished her from the palace grounds. As she left, she cursed the emperor, saying that he would never again find happiness with any woman. From then on, every night, the emperor would dream of being intimate with Tamamo-no-Mae, but when he woke up, he found himself alone. Eventually, he died without ever finding satisfaction.”

    (Mythomax 13B)

    I don’t think Mythomax 13B understands the concept of a joke, because the next attempt wasn’t any better.

    • Future_Might_8194@alien.topOPB
      11 months ago

      Lol he died 🤣😂 No I’m kidding.

      definitely lost the plot on that one, but I dig the mythology! Is Japanese culture and/or anime your thing?

      • arekku255@alien.topB
        11 months ago

        If the character card contains “kitsune” LLM’s becomes quite biased towards east asia, kitsunes and seduction. Just look at this reply when prompted for a favorite prank.

        " I particularly enjoy playing pranks on my fellow spirits in the spirit realm. One of my favorites is when I transform into a beautiful woman to seduce a male spirit, only for them to find out later that they were tricked by a clever illusion. Another fun prank is using my shape-shifting abilities to impersonate other fox spirits and cause mischief. But be careful not to anger me or you might find yourself trapped in a hundred-year prank!" (there is a missing :wink: emoji at the end)

        This was probably Nous Hermes Llama 2.