If someone offered you $300 to cover 3hrs of a wedding, 1.5hrs of commuting, and 2hrs of sorting/editing time, WITH LESS THAN 8HRS NOTICE, how many photos would you include? Prints? Extras?

If you’re thinking that sounds insane then you’re correct but I’m just losing my mind here. He asked for an additional DISCOUNT and thought that I was going to include 200+ prints into a photo album for him??? I’m new to photography so I figured I could at least get the experience and use for marketing but I don’t have permission to post photos of the family in their culture either. I did someone a favor and it’s been nothing but a nightmare.

  • ssmokn98@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    Sounds like you already did the job. Just fulfill the agreement and give them digitals on a thumb drive and move on. Part of learning the trade is making mistakes and knowing the value of your product. If they insist on prints come up with a price for that and an album as an add-on. You do hold the copy to all images taken so you can decide to let them print themselves or you can force them to use you for printing. In the future you can create a standard rate for weddings with travel/time defined and when either is exceeded then the price goes up. All of these things and more should be documented in a contract before any wedding.