Sorry if this breaches the rules.
I’m currently unemployed, seeking a job.
But I’d really like your opinion on the picture that I take.
Yes, I’m linking to my personal website.
Are the pictures any good? Could I perhaps leverage them for extra income?
Sorry. please assist.
edit: I have edited my website to indicate that yes, I am wensul on that website.
EDIT OF EDIT. WORKING ON IT. my website is very poorly designed (by me, duh) and google needs time to process things
EDIT X3 The update seems to have gone through. Yes. top banner exposes my name, and username. That was my choice.
I’m honestly more concerned about my photos.
Some are. You would look better overall as a photographer if you were a lot more selective about what you publish.
Also be careful about what you do with your white balance setting.
Making money from photography isn’t so much about being able to take good photos as it is catering to market demand. I don’t think there is much or any market demand for what you shoot. Not many people want to pay money for photos of that subject matter. The few who do have better existing options already online, so there’s no real reason they would buy from you instead of your competition. And you would need to spend money on marketing to even get people to look at your material, so you could potentially just put yourself in a hole.
A regular part-time job will make way more money, way more reliably.