I’m a Solopreneur in the Digital Marketing space. I run eCommerce stores online and my partner help me with the repetitive tasks and more.

For the past 1.5 years, I’m living in a studio apartment and working from there. But months after months, I’m realizing that doing everything (living, cooking, working, etc.) in one place not working productively the way I hoped it would.

After realizing that my productivity is downgrading, I’m thinking to rent a seperate office/co-working space. My partner also thinks that it’d be better for both of us if we have a seperate space just for work.

Now I know that working from home and working from an office, both would have pros and cons. I suppose, many of you must’ve faced the similar problem at some point in your own business journey. What did you do and what worked best for you, your office, and team?

Personally, I’m thinking to rent a small office/co-working space cause in the upcoming months I’m planning to hire an extra member or two for my team as my online business grows. So it’d be better for me and my partner to get the habit of working from an office space prior I hire someone and expand my team.

Or, I can move to a bigger 2BHK flat and use that extra room as my office space.

There won’t be one fit answer for this situation/problem, so I want to know what was your own experience and solution if you were in a similar situation in the past.

  • TheCoolLiterature@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    When I was in a similar situation, I discovered that renting a co-working space significantly increased my productivity. Consider a hybrid approach for yourself. Rent out a coworking space a few days a week and work from home the rest of the time.

    • GY137@alien.topOPB
      11 months ago

      Makes sense. Thanks for this great suggestion, appreciate it. 👍🏻

  • MerchNewb@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    Been there, man. When everything’s happening in one spot, it can mess with your head and kill productivity. I say if you’ve got the cash, go for the separate space. It’s a game-changer to have a spot just for work.

    Co-working’s cool for networking and getting out of the same four walls without a huge commitment. But if you’re planning to hire, having your own office can make you look more professional and give your team a solid home base.

    If you’re not sure, try out a co-working space for a month or two. See how it feels to split up living and working. If it works, great. If not, a bigger flat with a room dedicated to work could be the next best thing.

    Good luck with the biz growth, dude!

    • GY137@alien.topOPB
      11 months ago

      That’s the kind of response I was hoping for. Sweet and simple.

      It IS a mess when you’re doing every effin’ thing in your home and that, too, in a studio apartment nonetheless.

      And as I’m planning to hire in the upcoming months, renting an office space would be better and more professional. Though, till then I can try co-working space for a while to dip my toes in the water(office culture) and see how it goes.

      Thank you for your valuable suggestion, brother. I’ll definitely follow this.

  • rupeshsh@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    Co working space 100%

    You get more energy, more people, you see more action , it motivates you to work more, bounce ideas,

    Its the best money you can spend