Which episode?
No fortnite for the weekend
Force them to live with Stephen Stotch for a month
Smack them in the face and call them bastards
Have them form a human centipad
Make them listen to Barbura Streisand singing
alternatively, the enya torture that grandpa marsh inflicted on stan
Phil Collins for Cartman
Jimmy Buffet for Eric
Getting nonce vibes rn
I would go on a tirade that leads to Terrance and Philip being arrested, a war between Canada and the US, and Satan and his lover, Saddam Hussein, rising to earth and taking over.
Did anyone else read this in the voice of that newscaster?
make them listen to john lennon slowed down for 2 hours, then make them sit in a basement with no food for the whole night.
1 month detention
The good old fashioned belt.
Well obviously I would ground Butters
For Eric. Since he was the one who told him to do it and all the bad stuff he’s done. I’ll send him to the electric chair.
no terrance and phillip for a month
And send them to bed without Kraft dinner
i would ground stan and kyle for 2 weeks and eric for 3