What did everyone end up getting? This is my first venture into IEM’s mainly to upgrade from the Bluetooth Sony’s I was using before. I got the Moondrop Dawn Pro and KZ X HBB PR2’s !(I know I know but they were 16 quid and I wanted to try planar’s for cheap. I’ll EQ out any harshness on my devices as well as some micropore tape on the nozzles)
Dawn Pro and the Linsoul Simgot EM6l bundle. First multidriver so looking forward to it. Unfortunately will probably take a long time to ship, sigh…
Yeah it sucks that Dawn Pros are getting delayed. I had ordered mine from Shenzhenaudio three weeks ago and it’s not shipped yet. I cancelled that and got a full refund so that I could buy it at the sale price from Aliexpress. So it’s a long wait again.