I am thinking of going into business and would like to get an MBA. I have 8 years of experience writing software professionally and a background in CS. My goal is to learn about business, running them, scaling them, raising money, etc.

Will getting an MBA help me achieve this goal?

  • Such_Cucumber1637@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Top 25 MBA school grad here, but I completed mine at age 40 after 20 years in business.


    Twenty years later, I retired at 60 as CEO with a huge payout for selling a company. I had been paid VERY well and the payout exceeded what I’d earned in my prior 43 years of employment, combined.

    I could have NEVER done it without the concentrated download of knowledge I received during those two years. The network was nice, but led to more great friendships than business advantages.

    A very determined individual could get the information by reading the right business books, one a week for two years, but you’d have no one to critique/correct you and smack your ears when your writing/presentation was garbage.

    This would be great option for someone determined to always be self-employed, but my MBA degree caused SEVERAL employers to trust me just based on paper.

    I’d estimate learning the same thing by on the job failure/learn/correct/repeat would take ten plus years and millions of dollars to cover your mistakes.

  • travelguy23@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Yes for some. No for some. Depends on the university, the individual and what you plan to do with it.

  • Jogdish23@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    MBAs do have value, but the question is: why would you spend 3-4 years learning instead of doing? MBAs don’t guarantee success- no formal or informal teaching does.

    The things you mention that you want to learn about can be obtained by watching videos on YouTube, reading books, and networking.

    You need to learn, execute., fail- repeat.

    • tomtermite@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      Life is hard because we get the test before the lesson — and if school can help someone avoid that costly treadmill, why isn’t it a more efficient approach?

      In the free market of ideas, if your approach was vastly superior, there’d be no universities.

  • mitch8017@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    In most cases, I believe you’d be better off reading the books and actually getting out in the world and doing it.

  • NWmba@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I’m in the minority I think, but I’d say yes.

    I went back to school for the MBA, best thing I ever did. There are so many elements of business to understand, learn about , get exposed to. So many people with different experiences that you work with in a structured environment. Plus there is, you know, actual research that you learn about. I’m sure there’s been more since I did my degree, but everything from organizational behavior, activity-based-accounting, use of stats….

    is it everything you need to be an entrepreneur? No.

    but it’s really solid for someone with lots of experience in a different field to get into business.

    • Future_Court_9169@alien.topOPB
      10 months ago

      Thanks for sharing this. I can see the value in all you mentioned. I have tried learning on my own but the resources are just scattered and there isn’t any linear progression which makes me wonder if it’s better to go get the degree.

  • vanchica@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    No. I have one, it teaches no more than a community College level understanding of running a business. Read Joshua Kauffman’s book, The Personal MBA first. THEN: Take a biz or Entrepreneurship certificate.

    UNLESS you want to be a NON-OWNERSHIP corporate executive. That’s when it’s useful NOT for specific knowledge, which again is superficial, but for clout. You don’t even learn about employment law for managing employees in a legal way, you don’t learn how to get financing, you don’t learn anything you can’t get out of a business certificate class

  • nismoboy84@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    In my local region an MBA is the equivalent of a bachelor’s in business and a bachelor’s is just a piece of paper to most employers. I worked pretty hard to get my bachelor’s in business admin and had The HARDEST time finding anything!! Seriously felt like my bachelor’s was just considered to be a high school diploma to every place I applied. I even applied to a position in hr at a place to get called in for an interview only to find out they were interviewing me for an entry level warehouse position because I had no experience (can’t get hr or any useful experience in an entry level warehouse position either) they offered me less pay than I was already getting. Needless to say I was not nice to the interview, but still professional.
    My advice on an MBA would be to really look into it and your goals. If you live in a state with a high education level like me then I’d plan on moving somewhere else after you get your MBA. I’ve seen countless positions here looking for an MBA and or 5+years in the exact position while obviously offering 40k or less salary.

  • bradthepitt@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    If its free or one/paycheck, which i doubt if you are in US then you have nothing to loose. But otherwise, you have better chances in mingling in business circles and try to copy your idols

  • boxofshroomies@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    MBAs specifically teach knowledge which is not applicable to starting a new business. Empirical research is done on scaled businesses by definition so they often learn how to scale things once a bunch of foundations have already been set. Hence why a lot of people end up employed at big corporations—they can’t apply their skillsets to something much smaller.

    But you can also learn about scaling by getting a position as a middle manager or lead in development and your knowledge would be more applicable.

    If your goal is to start something but you don’t feel ready to just jump in (which I think you should do), you would get more value out of a program focused on designing a product which meets a demand like “Design Innovation” or industrial design. Not only for the applicable practice with your engineering skills but for the network.

    To be clear: not saying you should do this. I would just start the thing. There are tons of incubators that can bridge the gap for you.

  • krisnaw@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    It depends on your college and alumni. Go for a college where students come from across the globe.

    Also moving from a tech role to management and business needs a different mindset. So be prepared for the roller coaster.

    If you are a networking kind of person - you will enjoy.

  • 0ctobogs@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Get an eMBA from a T25 and try to get your employer to pay for it. Otherwise, I would not leave a good SWE job for it. Something to be aware of: engineering managers often don’t get MBAs. That area of management prefers technical experience. So you likely won’t need one if that’s what you’re aiming for.

  • SilkySlim_TX@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I finished my MBA in 2014 and I would say it’s absolutely not worth it, even tho I’m now an executive at med/large size company. I don’t really think the MBA played a factor in achieving that position. I was fortunate that a past employer paid for it. If I was in a position today without it I wouldn’t waste my time.

    Ps this answer is assuming you’re not talking about an ivy League MBA, in that case id say I don’t know.

  • milkmanbran@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I don’t want to shit on MBAs because I do believe they have some value. But if your goal is to learn about business (running, scaling, raising money, etc.) then you’d do really well to start reading books about that stuff first. There’s TONS of threads on Reddit about book recommendations so you’ll have a field day doing that. After you’ve read a couple books I’d say to try it out yourself in the most risk-free way possible. There’s about a million ways to start a business, but one I’m doing now is building a brand on social media and getting customers and creating the product after I’ve found my market. It’s allowing me to fail completely and utterly without losing a dime (I mean I paid for Canva, but I wanted to learn that anyway so it’s an investment to me).

    You’ll learn a lot by doing because doing is so different from the books. The books aren’t wrong, they’re just focused on different parts and make certain assumptions that aren’t always true early on. If I can give advice from a now 3 time failure and all time learner, business only comes down to one, not so simple thing, the customer. If you can crack the customer code (understanding your audience and giving them what they want, not what you want them to want) you’ll do well. I’m working on solving that for myself right now. I get a little closer each time.

    Best of luck to you, mate!