I’m coming into about 250k in a couple months from an inheritance. It’s currently in stocks, bonds, REITs. It doubles roughly 7 years, so I’m told by my financial advisor. I could take it out in cash or leave it there for it to slowly grow.

My situation right now is rough. I’m living in a small apartment, can barely pay rent, my electricity just got shut off a couple days ago, my car note is 4 months behind. I work a dead end job and I’m broke as hell.

I want to use my inheritance to help me out of this rut. Not to spend it all on useless crap but either a home, or a business (PASSIVE preferably). I don’t have many business skill sets or anything like that. If I could make money online that would also be great. Not sure where to go

How do I begin with my little experience? It takes money to make money right? And I have that shortly so… what would you do?

  • jaysonrobinson@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Lots of good advice here. My advice is mostly a summary of what’s been said and reading your comments.

    • save as much of that inheritance as you can. Doubling every 7 years with an S&P tracker is realistic.
    • don’t buy a business.
    • minimize your outgoings.
    • if you’re going to spend some of it, spend it on upskilling yourself. Take an inexpensive course in something that interests you.
    • Sounds like you might also want to spend some money on therapy or coaching and that would be ok but again don’t overdo it.
    • if you want a career and you have the academics for it, look into consulting as you get to experience a wide variety of industries and project types.
    • nothing you pick now is permanent. The most interesting and happy people I know now have had multiple careers. Pick something that is interesting to you and throw yourself into it.

    Good luck.

  • Rcontrerr2@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Bro, books are free at a library, before you spend money on a business venture you may not understand check out some staple business books. Educate yourself while your money grows until you’re ready to do something with it. But you also have to survive first.

  • ExtremeThrifty@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Treat that 250k as invisible, draw out some for expenses I would say 10-20k, until you are fully ready to weld that money. It can be a double edge sword. With the right skills and resources, you can 10x this in years. If trapped onto the wrong mindset(not saying you are), this money could vanish in seconds.

  • truckerbrandon@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    The money will only change your life momentarily. You kinda have to figure out what you’re doing wrong with your life and fix that first.

    Don’t touch it, act as if you never knew about it. Go soul searching and get wiser.

  • appleseedjoe@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    if it ACTUALLY doubles every 7 years you have a amazing financial advisor!!! id ask for proof that it has done that in the past and take out as little as possible to get yourself on your feet.

    i went to a 9 month trade school for 18k. i made 91k my 2nd year and took two months off during that 2nd year. if you don’t know what you wanna do the trade’s definitely need people. i did welding but if i could go back im time i woulda went into plumbing. good luck!

  • certifiedjezuz@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Honestly man, if you already admit you don’t have any business sense.

    Please don’t start a business, your going to blow through the cash trying to make it work and be in the same spot.

    You’re best bet is to take some of that inheritance, pay off the car, get your bills current and go to college/tradeschool.

    I’m biased, i would recommend accounting. Public accounting (audit and tax preparation work) will start you at 60k/yr at most firms. 6 figures is possible within 5 YOE if you get your CPA license.

    If you can add, subtract, multiple, divide you can be an accountant.

    Won’t make you filthy rich but I’m living well.

    I know this isn’t the answer you wanted to hear, but getting a lump sum of inheritance doesn’t mean you can run a business.

    Plenty of rich kids go broke after their parents kick the bucket.

  • GRABnGO2020@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    whatever it is in that will ensure that it doubles in 7 years - so the 250K becomes 500K then just let it double. you may need to sell something to get you out your current space - so what ever 50K can do - not sure what state you live in and how far that can go –

    to be clear that would be selling the REITS (which may be down significantly) to go find a safe space

    hope that helps - but it is easy for 250K to go poof

  • BaristaSpot@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Def take out as little of that money as you can out of the market. It’s set to go mega bullish soon, into about 2026, you’ll make a killing in the markets if you wait.

  • Important-Manager-79@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I would take half and keep the rest tied up and pretend you don’t have it. Then take a forth of the half of the half you kept and put it in a high yield savings account and pretend you don’t have that as well. I prefer SoFi but there are plenty others. As for making money online or at home follow me at Cadiee03 on TikTok starting next week I’m going to document my path to making that 6 figure income that you can achieve from learning these high income skills. Let me be your Guinea pig so you don’t waste your time and money

  • Clear_Crows@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Congrats on your windfall! Firstly, I think you’ve done better than most by already speaking with a financial advisor. I was in your position a few years ago and it was absolutely daunting to me.

    If you are interested in a passive income, I’d recommend learning how to invest in stocks, which is what I’ve done. With your current set up, you’ll be making roughly 10% a year. Historically, that is close to the S&P 500 annual average and it’s a fine return. However, there is an opportunity cost in that you can be making more than 10% a year. I would recommend you read ‘One up on Wall Street’ by Peter Lynch- it helped me grow my understanding of how to manage my portfolio and have much higher returns. There is always risk involved, so you have to consider what works for you- I completely understand the need to sort more pressing parts of your life.

  • BouRock@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    If you are under 40 spend 30 k for havng new skill, preferrably in tech, put rest in dividend stocks

  • PlzBeGentle@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Pay down all your debts, invest the rest the in stable shit, and then invest in yourself.

    Seriously, uplevel yourself. You don’t know how to manage money, business, or your life really from this post.

    Get good enough to be a good steward of the capital

  • Negative-Look-4550@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    First, get this passive business nonsense out of your head. Second, get a new job and/or new skills, and get out your financial mess. Third, leave it alone. Pretend this money never existed.

  • fwm_likeitsironic@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Personally I’d make a realistic monthly budget and take 1 year worth out. Save everything I made from work that whole year. Use the year to make a plan or make steps towards whatever goals I wanted to work on.

    Choose my next step, do I want to further my education, make a career change, travel, become more stable, focus on my health.

    I wouldn’t touch the rest of the stocks though.

    Don’t worry about upgrading your lifestyle and stick to upgrading yourself is my only advice. The rest can come after you’re good.