does anyone know what language Marvin speaks? The subtitles say “speaking native language“ I’m curious what language it is and what it translates to.
It’s almost certainly not a real language, but is inspired by African languages that use click consonants such as Xhosa
I’d be hard pressed to imagine that Trey had any specific language in mind that he was trying to mimic in sound. Probably had a medley of various southwestern African Khoisan languages
Correction: Matt voiced Marvin
Sounds like Khoisan it’s an African tongue clicking language.
Probably speaks marklar now so I wouldn’t worry about it too much.
I both hate and am still much too amused by the fact that any time I need to come up with a name for an alien character in a game, I nearly always name them goddamned Marklar or Mar’klar or Mark Lar.
He marklars marklar now so I wouldn’t marklar about marklar.
And before that was probably just simple ethinopian
Click click derk
Dude, the level of asinine questions on this sub recently.