My gf and I are both dutch citizens nomadding in Europe for 3 years now. We fell into it when we moved for a job opportunity that didn’t work out and decided to be nomadic from that point onwards.

I love this lifestyle, and really don’t want to stop but we have found ourself in a predicament. Our home country doesn’t allow us too have a mailing adress if we don’t spend 4 months of the year in the country(we spend 0 days). So we are registered nowhere. A home base elsewhere is something we can’t afford and keep living this lifestyle.

Traveling in europe is expensive and troughout the year we break about even(we know it’s not ideal but we are fine with it for now) if we had to keep a homebase year round and pay taxes we wouldn’t be able to afford living like this anymore.

The problem now is however that banks require some form of adress and recently wise started asking questions and we are scared our bank account might get frozen and leave us without money somewhere and have no access to it.

Also, the rules for digital nomads in the Netherlands are a bit iffy. It’s not 100% transparent if you need to pay taxes even tough we spend 0 days here and the last 2 years we were in contact with the tax officials and didn’t even have to file.

I’ve been scouring the internet recently and found a few things such as Estonia e residency that might help with opening bank accounts but won’t fix the residency issue and same with opening a American llc but still no adress or residency.

The cheapest option for residency it seems is bulgaria with low taxes and not too high col but like I stated in the beginning, this would crush our digital nomad life as we could not afford traveling around anymore with the added costs. And we would have to stay 183 days there and my gf doesn’t like bulgaria whatsoever.

Tldr; do we need to stop nomadding for now in order to have paperwork in order and get life sucked out off us or is there a way we can continue

  • Nomad8490@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Estonia, Cyprus, Portugal (nhr), Bulgaria. Your biggest issue is going to be health insurance (and I’d be curious to see what you decide because I’m right behind you!). Don’t expect that belastingdienst won’t come for you, or that it will be easy to deal with them if they do! We’re currently registered in NL and it’s a total pain; we’ve been living in Haarlem and just leaving for winters for the last 2 years, but will likely move on this August. When we go back to nomading, ditching our Dutch residency will be a first move for sure. Just remember that you won’t be able to go to Albert Heijn without cash when you do come back to visit family hahaha.

    • appelflappe@alien.topOPB
      10 months ago

      Yeah I’ve been getting information on Estonia e residency but it doesn’t seem it will hold up if the belastingdienst does decide to come after us. I won’t ever come back to the nl so that won’t be a problem haha!

      Do you have a plan set up for when you leave next year or are you going the same way I did?