I work in a fabrication shop that is very loud so instead of wearing ear plugs, I wear in ear monitors with good enough isolation so that I can listen to YouTube while I work. A lot of people with a loud workplace probably do this, I assume.

I know that etymotics are divisive because of how deep they fit. I ordered a pair of ER2XR And if they don’t work out for me, I can just return them to Amazon, but I figured I’d ask around ahead of time, for anybody who likes this brand and the way that they fit, and finds it comfortable, have you ever tried to wear them for the full length of a normal work shift? What was your experience with it? If it was uncomfortable at first, but you figured out a way to make it work, what did you do that helped? Basically what I’m looking for is any possible tips to help improve comfort to increase the likelihood that I can make them work for me.

  • TagalogON@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Etymotics will beat top of the line ANC from Sony/Apple/Bose/etc.

    For me only Comply P foam ear tips work (I’ve gone more than 12 hours or the whole day with Etymotics and Comply P foam ear tips, and without removing or reinserting it) but they’re super expensive. Especially for you, it’s likely you’ll need to replace the 6 pairs or so every week since you’re gonna sweating with work and such.

    So do what I did: I just used the singleflange regular IEM ear tips instead. Like Spinfit CP155 (this needs several adapters, go through the links below on how to do so, or actually I’ll just post it again).

    Or just use Spinfit CP100+ and a few other ear tips that have that adapter/converter bundled when you buy them. As the Spinfit CP155 is an outlier and I only use it as it’s basically the tallest/longest aftermarket ear tip and so it’s good for that deep fit. And the CP155 was really made for IEMs that have super wide nozzles, so ya it needs like two or three adapters instead of just one, so that it doesn’t get stuck in your ear or doesn’t fall off the nozzle.

    For the Spinfit CP155 with Etymotics, basically you get the adapters/converters for thin long nozzles like Etymotics, Shure, etc. from Spinfit CP100+ or Spinfit CP240, Final Audio E ear tips, AZLA SednaEarfit MAX Standard, et cetera. And then you use the core of a used foam ear tip (like say from NewBee foam ear tips), or an O-ring (from keyboards/etc.), and so on to make the Spinfit CP155 snug on the nozzle.

    With those adapters/converters for thin long nozzles, you can use basically every aftermarket ear tip with Etymotics. Just keep in mind the length/height of the ear tip as if it’s too short then the earwax/moisture/etc. will have an easier time clogging the filter/nozzle of your IEM. So it’s better to always look at the dimensions/measurements/etc. of the ear tips before you buy them.

    The dimensions/sizing/measurements/etc. for most ear tips these days will be on Amazon/AliExpress/HiFiGo/etc. Unfortunately you have to blind buy the ear tips in order to get a feel for the dimensions/measurement/etc. that you like for your ears. Remember, this will also change with different IEMs as they’ll have different nozzle length, nozzle angle, and so on.

    Anyway ya, the stock Etymotic tripleflange and doubleflange don’t work for me. But Comply foam ear tips do. And same with the singleflange ear tips for more normal IEMs (those with wider nozzles) I mentioned above. Do note the sound changes in addition to the comfort/fit.

    So ya basically get the Spinfit CP100+ or Spinfit CP240, Final Audio E ear tips, AZLA SednaEarfit MAX Standard, et cetera, and then use those adapters/converters with other IEMs/TWS earbuds ear tips to see which ones fit you well.

    This comment talks about basically everything related to noise reduction, like Etymotics, ear tips, et cetera: https://www.reddit.com/r/headphones/comments/17wy08i/92_db_average_for_2_years_how_fucked_am_i/k9lkx16/

    Ear tips, noise reduction, comfortable IEMs and nozzles with small ears, et cetera: https://www.reddit.com/r/headphones/comments/14uzhh8/ear_canal_stretched/jrbrpwy/

    Here’s a bit more info on ear tips (talks about narrow/wide bore ear tips, effects of sizes of ear tips, how to put ear tips on wide nozzles, et cetera): https://www.reddit.com/r/headphones/comments/10lly6d/how_to_make_sense_of_iem_tip_fit/j5xnyv2/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/headphones/comments/13ms5gs/does_different_eartips_matter/jkwqi8p/

    Use ear tips in the Small size so that you can shove the Etymotics real deep for better hearing health and noise reduction.

    See here for a bit more info on smaller ear tips (Final Audio E, Sony EP-EX11, Radius Deep Mount, etc.): https://www.reddit.com/r/HeadphoneAdvice/comments/xdqljz/azla_sednaearfit_max_vs_spinfit_w1_which_one/iod0gkl/

    Comply foam ear tips and other noise reduction stuff: https://www.reddit.com/r/headphones/comments/139efmf/are_mem_foam_eartips_all_equal_or_different/jj2bq04/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/HeadphoneAdvice/comments/1333n7o/comfortable_industrial_ear_tips/ji87kcu/

    Moisture, condensation, humidity, tuning foams/filters meshes/et cetera with IEMs: https://www.reddit.com/r/headphones/comments/1305hxz/i_got_the_tangzu_wan_er_and_left_side_dropped/jhvbmli/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/headphones/comments/12lg8az/green_powder_on_moondrop_chu/jg7jwbf/

    Etymotics, noise reduction, and PC gaming noises: https://www.reddit.com/r/headphones/comments/14vcrof/actual_noise_cancelling_headphones/jrc9tzm/

    Ear tips and cables for Etymotics: https://www.reddit.com/r/headphones/comments/11p4hej/er2se_with_hf5_eartips/jbwcfja/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/headphones/comments/11mj73j/why_does_lunashops_er2se_cable_sound_worse_than/jbix1iq/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/headphones/comments/10i5ha8/7_unused_at_a_local_amazon_warehouse_store/j5dpuij/

  • niubishuaige@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    if you figured out a way to do it, what did you do that helped?

    I got the Etymotic double-flange tips. Triple flange were unbearable for me and the gray foam got uncomfortable after a while. I can wear double flange all day without discomfort. Obviously the noise attenuation won’t be as high as triple flange.

  • littleemp@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Worn them for longer on flights. It’s very much a YMMV kind of thing, but I didn’t have any issues with fit or comfort (I was already used to the ety fit).

    The one HUGELY annoying thing is less about keeping them on and more when it comes to removing them for a moment because someone wants to tell you something inconsequential. It gets old fast. (More a comment of people not being able to keep to themselves than Etys).

  • MiddleEmphasis6759@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I’ve worn them for those kinds of durations with little discomfort, but they’re really annoying if you have to take them out then put them back in with any kind of frequency. Microphonics are also an issue if you’re gonna be moving around a lot. Could try wearing them with the cable wrapped over your ears like other IEMs, which helps with microphonics, but it looks kind of awkward.

  • Ophanil@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I’d recommend something like the Shure SE215 with foam tips if you want something inexpensive but highly effective that you can wear for hours

  • neliste@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    It fits fine as long as properly inserted.
    But personally I prefer using it with their gray foam eartips.
    It seals better too.

    Been pairing it with Fiio UTWS3 using mmcx adapter.

    But recently I found myself using isotunes + ety foam eartips more.
    Don’t really need sound quality anyway.

  • sic_erat_scriptum@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Yes, they’re fine for long duration wear, probably the most comfortable IEMs I’ve used in that regard, but because they seal your ear canal completely you’re probably going to need to pop the seal every now and then just as a pressure relief.

    Also wear them with the cables wrapped up behind your ear in the same style that concha-shaped IEMs do, inserting them so the cable is pointing forward-ish rather than down to make the wrap around behind your ear easier, as this will eliminate cable microphonics and secure their fit in the event that the cable is snagged or tugged on.

  • flashb1024@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I wear the ER3 SE with the Shure Black Olives most times.

    Much more comfort than the foamies.

    The Dual Flange which come with the ER series are also good for long sessions, but you gotta work at getting a seal with them.

  • notmac_@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    the only way i can wear them for long periods of time like that is with the foam tips

  • Chok3U@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Does wearing them to sleep in almost every night count? I sleep on my back.