Having been so meticulous about taking back ups, I’ve perhaps not as been as careful about where I stored them, so I now have a loads of duplicate files in various places. I;ve tried various tools fdupes, czawka etc. , but none seems to do what I want… I need a tool that I can tell which folder (and subfolders) is the source of truth, and to look for anything else, anywhere else that’s a duplicate, and give me an option to move or delete. Seems simple enough, but I have found nothing that allows me to do that… Does anyone know of anything ?
I’d like to find something that has that capability- so I can say multimedia/photos/ is the source of truth - anything identical found elsewhere is a duplicate. I hoped this would be an easy thing to as the ask is simply to ignore any duplicates in a particular folder hierarchy…
Well that’s possible with a lot of deduplicators. But I’d take a look at duff:
The duff utility reports clusters of duplicates in the specified files and/or directories. In the default mode, duff prints a customizable header, followed by the names of all the files in the cluster. In excess mode, duff does not print a header, but instead for each cluster prints the names of all but the first of the files it includes.